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Benefitting Central Texas Food Bank

Benjamin & Meghan Roberts

Elder Hill Farms

Never would we ever have picked our plot of land in Driftwood, Texas, for agriculture.  But that’s exactly what’s been fostered here. How did our rocky outcrop of Hill Country become chock full of life and animals? We listened.

What started as a simple garden has become a terraced grazing area for livestock: cows, heritage pigs, sheep, ducks and turkeys.  We celebrate nature and the challenging climate of Central Texas by adapting to changes and incorporating water saving techniques such as aquaponics (which utilizes 90% less water than traditional agriculture) and keyline design- restructuring the way rain water travels through the land- slowing it down and allowing it to soak into the soil instead of it running off and further eroding the landscape.

Partnering with local businesses, we use local top quality (most of which is organic) food waste to help feed our livestock. These animals, in turn, help us rebuild the very degraded soils of Driftwood by their very presence on the land.  Our neighbors have witnessed these efforts and are joining forces to help ‘regenerate’ Driftwood. We are very excited to be partnered with the community of Driftwood. The future looks very exciting.